Adrenal Reset Challenge Logo

Now is your time to drop 10+ pounds, increase your energy, sleep better, because your adrenals are the key

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You’re about to discover how you can reverse symptoms like stubborn weight, fatigue, bloating, and brain fog in 4 weeks

…Can you imagine what it would it feel like to wake up with energy because you got a good night’s sleep – even if you haven’t slept well for years?? Imagine passing the dessert tray without temptation. How would it feel to fit into your clothes again (or have to buy smaller clothes)

Why am I so confident this will work for you?

Because it has already been clinically tested. And it has worked for others who have done the challenge. Don’t take it from me. Here is what previous challengers had to say:

I’m hooked! I waved goodbye to 18 lbs and 4 1/2″ from my waist!

I’m hooked! I waved goodbye to 18 lbs and 4 1/2″ from my waist! My main goal was weight loss this month and I’ve had great results as well as good energy and pretty skin. I’m thrilled I took the plunge to change things and after taking in my pants at the sewing machine yesterday and pulling out the “too snug” clothing and having it loose I’m excited to keep going! Thanks Dr. Alan Christianson for a program that’s easy to follow and has me feeling great!

Kara T.

I lost 11 pounds in the first three weeks…

“When I took the adrenal level quiz in December it was 74 (I was a mess), and I retook it six weeks later after following many of the ideas and life changes from the site and DrC’s book and scored 33! A fantastic improvement, to say the least. Well, my friends, I just took it again and my score is…..9. Yes, 9!! I feel glorious. My sleep is wonderful, my headaches are gone, my anxiety and depression are under control (thanks to the techniques I have learned). I lost 11 pounds in the first three weeks…”

Mary B.

Finishing up the challenge with a 9lb. weight loss, 2 1/2 inch waist loss, numbers down on my fasting glucose count & sleep is generally better.

“Finishing up the challenge with a 9lb. weight loss, 2 1/2 inch waist loss, numbers down on my fasting glucose count & sleep is generally better. I went from Crashed to Stressed. The funny thing is when I went shopping for groceries yesterday I shopped as if I was still doing the program and also lost another pound!….I can see that I will retain many of the good habits that I developed over the last month & that is really great…..I am grateful to both Kirin & Dr. C for this journey!!”

Patience H.

Down another pound, so 11 total after three weeks. Yippee!!

“Down another pound, so 11 total after three weeks. Yippee!! I started wearing my fitbit again at the beginning of the challenge and another interesting benefit is my resting heart rate (which has always tended to be high) has gone from an average of 78 to 65 bpm!”

Beth Q.

My Endo said this diet is EXACTLY what I should be doing…

“My Endo said this diet is EXACTLY what I should be doing… she called it insulin resistant but said it’s the best way to be eating… I gave her a copy of my quick start guide and told her to look Dr. C up.. She was really impressed by it…”

Teri S.

I also put a pair of jeans on that I haven’t worn in a year and they’re not even tight.

“I have lost 11 lbs and 2 1/2″ around my waist. I also put a pair of jeans on that I haven’t worn in a year and they’re not even tight. Meaning I can breathe with them on!!!!!”

Chris F.

I went from stressed to thriving, lost about 2.5″ inches overall, lost 3 lbs., increased my strength and energy, and started getting my muscle definition back.

“I’m very pleased with my results during this challenge. I went from stressed to thriving, lost about 2.5″ inches overall, lost 3 lbs., increased my strength and energy, and started getting my muscle definition back. Even though my weight loss wasn’t very significant, my results have been amazing considering that I’ve been working hard to fix my adrenal health since June of last year with very minimal results even with supplements. I’m so excited that I came across Dr. Alan Christianson’s Adrenal Reset Diet book. It worked!”

Liana R.

I’m so happy with the way I feel, I don’t want to chance going back.

“I wonder if I can continue on with the shakes and recipes for a while. I’m so happy with the way I feel, I don’t want to chance going back.”

Susan L.

I went undiagnosed for 18 years, during which time I was lost in a sea of brain fog, weight gain, and pure exhaustion.

“I just took the Adrenal Health Quiz and I am astounded at the results.
When I began the Adrenal Reset Challenge a month ago, I scored a miserable CRASHED “73.” This program sounded way overwhelming to me, …Food has felt like the enemy to me…I knew I had to try to heal my leaky gut and all of the symptoms I was experiencing. I haven’t been perfect, but have tried to stick as closely as possible to the recommended changes for the past month…..I have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis… I went undiagnosed for 18 years, during which time I was lost in a sea of brain fog, weight gain, and pure exhaustion….For the past 33 years, I have gone on one diet after another, with little to no success….I was so glad to hear about the challenge, because it forced me to take action, instead of just feeling overwhelmed (with brain fog and depression) while trying to tackle these changes on my own…..So far, I have lost five pounds and one inch from my waist. But more importantly, my Adrenal Health Quiz went from a CRASHED “73” to a THRIVING “11!” How is that possible in one short month??? …my other symptoms are almost completely non existent!!… My need for sinus medicine is highly decreased, and my stomach cramps have completely ceased. Bowel habits have returned to normal, and my deep depression and brain fog has lifted.
Please forgive my long email, but I wanted to provide you with some idea of the drastic effect that both you, and this amazingly simple plan has had on my life. I can see that this is what I’ve been searching for for all these years, and I can’t THANK YOU enough!! After 33 years, I finally have hope that I can be normal and healthy again. And that, to me, is priceless.

….For now, all I can say is THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. You are greatly appreciated and I am blessed to have found you!”

Shawn K.

The Adrenal Reset Diet CHALLENGE

Adrenal Reset Diet Challenge

I’ve put Everything Into ONE Simple Program So You Can Accomplish Your Health Goals for Lasting Weight Loss, Increased Energy and Better, More Restful Sleep.

Here’s how we’re going to do it…

Dr. Alana Christianson

Weekly Messages From Dr. Christianson

Yep, I’m in this with you. Each week I’ll be staying in touch to keep you on track and give you an extra edge. We can do this! I’ve also included weekly outlines of exactly what you need to be eating and doing each day so you don’t have to worry about anything.

Q&A Icon

Recorded Q&A Sessions With Dr. C

Get answers to your important questions directly from Dr. C. He may not be able to solve global politics or the meaning of life, but he can probably help a lot with making your health goals come true.

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Private Community for Challenge Members

Yep, I’m in this with you. Each week I’ll be staying in touch to keep you on track and give you an extra edge. We can do this! I’m also going to be sending you weekly outlines of exactly what you need to be eating and doing each day so you don’t have to worry about anything.

Exclusive Adrenal Reset Diet Recipes

Do you have questions that you have not yet found answers to? Just ask me! You’ll get a chance. I may not be able to solve global politics or the meaning of life, but I can probably help a lot with making your health goals come true.

ARD Graphic Icon

The Adrenal Reset Diet Graphic

Your all-in-one guide to the Adrenal Reset Diet.  This handy and easy-to-use graphic lays out the basics of the diet.  It will be your personal diet assistant when questions arise.  Hang it on the fridge, throw it in your purse or take a pic with your phone for an on-the-go resource.

Dr. Christianson's Products Icon

Exclusive Discounts on Dr. Christianson’s Products and Supplements

The original shake that helped participants lose 9-15 pounds and 2.5 inches off their waist in the first month of the Adrenal Reset Clinical Trial, plus other results-boosting products to get you going faster.

+ 4 BONUS Videos From Dr. C!

Adrenal Reset Diet Exercise Series – Lose weight faster without wearing out your adrenals. You won’t believe how simple and easy the Adrenal Reset Diet workout can be.  Dr. C walks you through this 15 minute workout that you can do anywhere.  There’s no equipment required and it can easily be adjusted for all fitness levels.

Kitchen Reset – You want to know one of the secrets to a healthier you?  The first one is a healthier kitchen.  The kitchen reset video teaches you how to put your health first and make it automatic.  Reset your kitchen with the help of Dr. C by creating the ideal healthy kitchen environment.  You will also learn his favorite tips and tricks for making healthy cooking as convenient as possible.

Bedroom Reset – Our chance to reset our minds from all of the distractions we come across in a day is done in the bedroom.  Dr. C will teach you how to change your bedtime routine and create the best sleep environment to reset your health and reset your life.

4 EASY Ways to Lasting Weight Loss (Eat, play, sex, sleep)  – What’s the magic way that you can reset your fat switch and get your body into a burning mode?  The answer is easier than you think.  Dr. C teaches you how sex, sleep, play and eating are the secret ingredients to lasting weight loss.

Our Community Loves The Adrenal Reset Diet
& You’re Going to Love The Challenge (& SUPPORT) Too

The Adrenal Reset Diet Challenge. Do it for yourself. Do it for your family. Do it for a better life.

“Since on Adrenal Reset Diet and doing shakes, I no longer take any medication for Diabetes. I am controlled presently.  I live on a limited income but still manage to eat all recommended fats, proteins, and healthy Carbs & no sugar, on the Adrenal Reset Food plan. I am truly a blessed woman who found Dr. Christianson who is so passionate in his quest to research and share all his insight & knowledge to help people to eat and stay healthy for a long happy life. He is my Hero and Angel.

Thanking you in advance for all your hard work.”

Roseann M.

“Well, folks, I began the Adrenal Reset Diet journey August 1st. When I went to the gym and weighed in this morning I discovered that my weight has decreased by 9.5 pounds in a mere 18 days! I am just crazy about this eating plan. And, I am eating a large quantity of food, folks!  I wish I had known this information 30 years ago. THANK YOU, Dr. Christianson.”

Linda P.

“I’m 49 and have Hashimoto’s. I tried everything to lose weight until I finally came across Dr. Christianson. I watched all his videos and read his book. I started the ARD diet in June 2015 and have lost 23 Pounds and several inches in just two months. I have more energy, sleep better, feel better than I have in years, and finally am losing weight. Thank you Dr. C. I really hope to meet you some day and thank you in person.”

Doug S.

Don’t miss your chance!  Join us TODAY!
The Adrenal Reset Challenge is only open for a short time.

Finally, a program that has everything you need to succeed…

Adrenal Reset Diet Challenge Hero Shot

Now is your time to:

  • Drop 10-20 pounds
  • Increase your energy
  • Get better sleep
  • Feel healthier

Here’s what to expect when you JOIN today:

  • Access to the Adrenal Reset Diet CHALLENGE membership site
  • Weekly messages from Dr. Christianson
  • Adrenal Reset Diet Quick Reference Kit
  • Challenge Guidelines & Recipes
  • Access to the private ARD Challenge Facebook group
  • Exclusive discounts on the Adrenal Reset products
  • One FREE Month of the new Reset Menu Portal
  • Exercise video series
  • The chance to win 3 months of FREE shakes
  • And so much more…

Save 50% When You Join Now
Just $197 $98.50 

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